I have an appointment to meet with a specialist next Thursday. Not that my nephrologist and my OB GYN are not specialists, I love them both. They're the best. My problem is that they both know a lot about their area of interest, but they don't know much about how they relate to each other. This is why I get a lot of "well, I can't promise" and "theres no way to say for sure." This particular specialist has written articles, given lectures, and done plenty of research on pregnancy, hypertension, and CKD. And from what I understand, she has treated plenty of people who have been in my very boat.
Here's what I plan to ask her.
- What is making it difficult for me to get pregnant now?
- What happens if I have kidney failure during pregnancy?
- Where am I in the range of risk based on my lab results?
- Will I be able to get matched for a donor during pregnancy?
- Would there be any reason why I couldn't skip dialysis and go straight to transplant?
- What is the prelimenary process for deciding to transplant?
- What are the specific dangers to the baby?
- How soon are we able to determine how/if the baby is effected?
- What is the deciding factor of if and when I need to go on bed rest?
- Are my hair, teeth and skin effected by my loss of kidney function?
I think thats it for now. If I think of anything else, I'll add it later.
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