Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Today I'm 27 years old. Time flies sooo fast, I feel like I blinked and skipped 11 years. Yes, I haven't aged a day past 16. I'm so happy with how far my life has come, and where I am. I have so much to do, a lot of stuff I want, but I feel like everything is just going by in a flash. Sometimes things seem so surreal, because they never stay the same long enough to be reality.

You don't know its passing until its already gone by. Then its too late to do anything with it.

I've had the flu all week, then my husband caught it, he's had a fever for a few days. So maybe this birthday will be quiet. I do have a great night out planned tomorrow with all my friends, so hopefully I'll be well enough for some partying.

I'm at work today too, only because I feel like I spent enough time home alone, when I was unemployed! I'm proud to have this job, so I don't mind spending my birthday here.

Ok, back to work! (yeah right)

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