Sunday, April 19, 2009

A whole year

I hit my first year with my new kidney exactly one month ago. And things have been fine. I still get pain in my legs now and then, but I think I can associate that with heavy activity, like running or taking stairs alot. I wonder how long that will last. I wonder if I'll EVER have stamina again. I get really tired, and I still have to be careful how I take my meds otherwise it makes me super groggy. Right now I'm on 10mgs of prograf, and a gram of celcept. I had to start the mycelex again, just to keep my tac up. But everything is very good.

I did a little ice skating this winter. They had a flooded park pavilion up the road that kids were skating on. I felt like I was learning all over again, my blades were a little shitty, and the ice was so choppy. But it felt nice to be skating again. Thinking about buying skates, but I'm not sure what I would do then.

We are still trying to get it together in three things front. Of course I asked about a baby, and Dr. Bologa to me "2010." Thats what we should aim for. Its all good. I'm looking for a better paying job. I'm at a dead end at wunderman, and I'm hoping if I can get into a new job, I'll be able to get into a new house. We'll see.

In the meantime, I'm getting older. I have a grey hair, and I'm noticing different things happening with me that didn't happen before. Who knows. I'm working hard, things HAVE to happen for me soon. I'm feeling good about this year. 2008 was not an easy one.

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