Monday, September 3, 2007

Why don't you shut up

Generally, I don't talk to people about my health issues, and I most definitely don't talk about my ever-growing, intense desire to have a baby. A few people know, and I just want to say, if someone else says "why don't you adopt?" I will stab them in the eye with a pen. Of course I've thought about adoption, when anyone first finds out they can't have a kid, do you think they just go, oh, i guess we'll just never do anything. We'll just die childless. Adoption is like a fad right now, so why do people feel the need to tell me to "hey, did you think about adoption?" Of course I fucking think about adoption! Every celebrity in the world that is not already pregnant, is thinking about adoption. And then telling reporters that they are thinking about adoption. "I'm going green - I drive a hybrid and i buy expensive lightbulbs." "Oh? Well I'm thinking about adoption." Bastards. It's hard. Its a long drawn out process, where they peer into your life, and give you mounds of paper work. I read that it takes over a year in many cases.

Yes, I think about adoption, I want to adopt. I want a baby. But its really not that simple. Nothing ever is. Thanks a frikkin lot.


Krissi said...

"Adoption is a fad right now"

It does seem to be a bit fad-ish (is that a word?) especially with celebs, but there are a lot of problems/issues that have come up because of the mass publicity adoption is receiving. On the one hand it brings to light some of the issues that need to be changed; on the other hand it seems to downplay what adoption is really about: being a parent.

I won't tell you to consider adoption (I'm sure I already have in the past) at risk of pissing you off... but MY experience with kidney disease + adoption was wonderful and turned out better than I could have hoped for. My son is more my son than had I given birth to him. This isn't to say that for your life you don't want something different or need/want the experience of having a biological child. I guess (for me) it came down to wanting to be a mom, and not necessarily wanting to be pregnant.

Do what's good for you and don't listen to anyone else who tells you to do something else... even me :)

Bmaddny said...

thanks so much... :)