Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008

Today is the first day of a new year! I have a ton of stuff to look forward to this time, even more so than last year. First, by the end of the year, I'll have a new kidney. Will everything work out and go smoothly with my transplant? At the next holiday season, will I be adjusting to a new life with minimim restrictions? Or will there be complications. Who will my donor be, and how will this change our relationship?

By the end of the year, I'll have a ton of new photos for photobucket from the vacations we've taken. Its been my dream to do some traveling overseas. I'd like to hit Italy, Mexico, Hawaii, South America, and maybe Tokyo. How far will I get in 2008? Will I get anywhere?

I'll be in a new house, definitely not still in my house now. Will I be in a condo? Or an actual house?

What will be new on the baby front? Will we finally be allowed to conceive? Or will things move forward with adoption?

January 1 offers and empty canvas, a clear board, and I have until the end of the year to fill it. 2008 looks good.

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